Monday, April 5, 2010


So we know we haven't posted since November, but we are back! We started this blog out of our passion and calling for adoption, and there has really been no news over the past four months.

Today I got a message from an old friend from elementary school on Facebook. She apparently stumbled across our blog and began reading. In her message she told me that she and her husband also felt called to adoption, and that our blog was a real encouragement to them.

This made us realize three things:

1. Even though our adoption journey hasn't even really begun, we can still be used by God in the ministry of adoption. It was so encouraging to hear that the few and simple words on this blog could affirm other believers in their calling to adopt.

2. We've learned that the time of waiting before our adoption process begins is tremendously important. We know that the things we are learning now are all in preparation for us to fulfill what God has called us to do. We must be careful not to dismiss this time as unimportant; rather, we should embrace it with a passionate longing to soak up everything God has for us.

3. Finally, receiving this message has reminded us that even though adoption seems unreachable at times, we must have faith that God will equip us to do what He has called us to do at the perfect time, at which He will be most glorified. This perspective is vital because it places the focus on God and His glory as opposed to us and our insecurity.

Our current point in the journey toward adoption is summed up really well by a line from one of Ryan's songs. The song says, "Though I may not know the plans that you have for me, I will trust you God. I'm yours for eternity."

We know that we must cling to the truth that God holds us in his hands. This is how we persevere patiently.